Let's go adventure
in the great unknown
explore the uncharted
and make it our home
We'll pick a direction
and lace up our boots
abandon old notions
and remember our roots
With a wonder to wander
as our only guide
We'll hustle and press on
and take things in stride
May the love and light in us
ebb and flow in our wake
It's not the destination
that matters
but the journey we take
So let's go
let's get moving
let's start
let's dive in
Let Go
Let go of the parts of you that are anything but true.
Let go of your excuses, they’re only hurting you.
Let go of your past mistakes, but remember what you learn.
Let go of material things; for you’re not what you earn.
Let go of all the little things you’re mad you didn’t do.
Let go of your jealousy, anger, and ego too.
Let go, let go of all those things and you will surely find,
That letting go of everything makes it possible to shine.